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(Shravana Shukla 11)

This is the day when in Shrimad Gokul, Shri Vallabhacharya received the command from Shri Krishna to initiate divine souls with the Brahma Sambandha mantra. By the soul’s connection with Shri Krishna, all impurities are removed and the soul becomes bound to Shri Krishna. On this day, the blessed Lord is adorned with a garland of three hundred and sixty silk threads, one for each day of the Year. On the following day, the lineage holders are adorned with a silk garland.

Shringar: Safed sada Vastra shri mastak par safed kulhe, morpankh ki jod, safed pichoda, lal thada vastra, pichvai with a golden lace and pavitras hung over it.

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